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Maße: B 39 cm / T 31 cm / H 70 cm,
Material: mitteldichte Holzfaserplatte (MDF)
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Kommode "Versailles" S: wer ist nicht fasziniert von Schloss Versailles, dem prunkvollen barocken Meisterwerk der Architektur. Dass sich Tom´s Drag Stil und barocke Formen auf wunderbare Weise ergänzen, davon zeugt die Tom´s Drag Versailles Collection, bei der opulente Formen auf ein Feuerwerk von Farben und Motiven trifft. Selbst in ansonsten minimalistisch gestyleten Wohnungen gehen unsere Versailles Möbel eine unerwartete Symbiose mit schlichten geradlinigen Einrichtungen ein. Die Kommode Versailles S besitzt zwei Ausziehschubladen. Beachten Sie, dass die Goldpatina bewusst von Hand aufgetragen (nicht gesprüht!) wird und daher gewisse"Unregelmäßigkeiten" aufweist! Dies trägt zu dem individuellen Charakter dieser außergewöhnlichen Serie bei.
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping costs (including VAT)
Domestic deliveries (Germany): We charge a flat shipping fee of €4.99 per order. Shipping is free for orders over €50.00.
EU: We charge a flat rate for shipping abroad as follows: 13.99 € EUR
International: We charge a flat rate for shipping abroad as follows: 19.99 € EUR
Delivery times
Unless a different deadline is specified in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered domestically (Germany) within 2 - 4 days, and for international deliveries within 2 - 8 days after the contract has been concluded (if advance payment has been agreed, after the time of your payment instruction). Please note that no deliveries are made on Sundays and public holidays. If you have ordered items with different delivery times, we will send the goods in one shipment unless we have made different arrangements with you. In this case, the delivery time is determined by the item you ordered with the longest delivery time.
Payment methods
Payment methods
To make your shopping experience as easy and flexible as possible, we offer a variety of secure and practical payment methods. You can choose between the renowned invoice and installment purchase service provider Klarna, or the classic payment by credit card. In addition, we offer the widely used and secure online payment services PayPal and PayPal Express. For users of Apple and Android devices, the fast and convenient option of Apple Pay and Google Pay is also available. Choose the payment method that best suits your needs to complete your order.
– Klarna
– Payment by credit card
– Payment via PayPal
– Payment via PayPal Express
– Apple Pay
– Google Pay
Bestmöglicher Versand
Lieferung mit DHL
Klarna verfügbar
Ratenzahlung möglich
Exklusive Designs
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Kostenloser Versand
ab 49€ (DE)